Predictions for Compliance Regulations in 2024

Experts predict that regulatory scrutiny and enforcement actions will intensify in 2024 across financial services and the broader business ecosystem. With the right digital strategies and organizational mindset shift, financial services, and other heavily regulated industries can transform compliance in 2024.

Learn how Socure offers 99% verification of the mainstream population and 94% verification of difficult-to-verify populations like Gen Z.

In this eBook, you will learn about:

  • Rules governing digital identity and age verification, creating a resilient KYC/CDD framework, transforming internal systems, and strengthening customer compliance procedures.
  • New data privacy laws in 2024, that are modeled on the existing frameworks like GDPR and CCPA, are also increasing rights for consumers as businesses collect their data.
  • Precise identity verification that is essential for classifying identities, managing cases, and configuring transparent decision flows aligned with internal policies.

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    Socure - The Leader in Digital Identity Verification

    Socure is the gold standard for digital identity verification and identity fraud prevention. Founded in 2012, the company’s mission is to verify 100% of good identities in real-time and eliminate identity fraud on the internet.